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tv   Cashin In  FOX Business  December 30, 2012 9:30am-10:00am EST

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>> best stox for 2013. ia do you love it? >> they are making buy baby buy. >> it is built on hedge funds and it is gng out of study style. >> that is the biggest for repair men. >> and great stock and global reach. >> two for ranger. >> double digit return three-five years and great blue and go for it it has a high ratio. happy new year . keep it right here.
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and hold o to your stiring wheel and wallet. looking to ring in with a mileage tax. it will help t rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. wod that crum bem our economy instead . am traceynor cheryl casone. welce to carbin'. wayne john and john and julian and carroll. welcome everyone. so, oregoemocraticic ngressman asking for a leage tax to rebuild our roses and bridges. hn is this good or bad what s going on here? >> this is a ridiculous. it i the wrong time to implement it. electric cars are decades away . having a mileage tax i decades away . putting odom heretos and
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logging down to the mileage manually. this wodost a fortune for theax. have a gas tax that is do go through road and bridges. >> and talking about a vehicle miles traveled tax. someone like me wayne, so much. i understand why people would want to clarge me more. >> i understand it, too. but john is right we have a fuel tax. and and it is it another way to track pime and look for trouble . you got a fuel tax and fuel tax is a huge tax . they are using the argument to get better mileage now. maybe you don't need to do so much.
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it is based on mileage. >> wayne makes a good point about the privacy issue. transponder tracking my mile it is big brotherish. >> it is and john makes a good argument against it it is a important policy work. its probably a bad idea. we don't need new tax. thmileage tax could hurt fuel efficient car it is the and questions o heavy congesti times and it is
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unworkable idea and why the obama administration distanced it. >> we he a trust fund in 2013 and that is to go to the roads. it will be negative and needs a fuel tax to fund it again. >> it is not too long. it will go negative in 2015. the gas tax is raised continuously since it was enacted in the 1950s. they are paying 64 cents a gallon in taxings. why is that the only proposal. it why not freedom. there is it public assets in every country but here at home. la guardia. terrible airport owned by the government. new xico and new zealand. airports are tradod the stock exchange and helps the
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government and services as well. >> carroll. i tell you, i use the roads in the country and go skidding on twos to school and i am part of the reason theres it pot holes it makes sense to charge me more. >> i think that is a linier solution to a complex problem. if you have a suv . i am with johnathon. why can' they add value instead of taxing us. i am in illinois if you add a chicago bears and hello kitty on those license plates. people pay up fothat . offer us something that why would be willing to buy and give themxtra revenue . maybe i am spending to much time with the pren pren. >> i think we need to. i spepped aot o time, too.
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it is it incredible. >> and there is no other promosal that is serious . you have t admit one thing. somebody has to pay for just wait . julian's point. if you go anywhere else in the world. the fuel tax is three dollars a gallon. maybe we should raise it. >> of course we should raise it if it makes sense. there are plenty of tollroads. >> that is it a used tax in itself. it is it another huge tax and
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matter of that. that is why it costs so mch. if it was done on a competitive basiss it wouldn't cost so mu. it word locally here in chicago . tracey to your point who pays for it. is those who use the asset. they pay for it in the maintenance and upkeep of that asset. dinner it is more consumers. >> you are talking about a privatization of an area that is localized. and if you are talking aut the interstate highway system
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and road ands. upon only way to do that. i like that word. that is it efficiency angle and i am not filling up so much. it is a back handed way to make up for that. you are doing that by putting a gas tax in there. they should be paying for it we have privatization and got people lined up for when we privatize the shares. you can't priveditize every root and bridge in america. that's why we have aivas tax
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and pay for security raise the gas tax it isoing to come from us. it is it a bit of a shell game. shouldn't this be what our tax llars are used for. sort of the point to infrastructure and it steams to be it is it an obvious one. and it is so. and that i anything that adds to additional governrnme. and that is it ending up costing us more in the end. >> i know how much you love the government getting involved in things . the whole idea of having a, a tax that is on mile annual is crazy. once again you are going to
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sphend a fort tune . they are not so ugly. they are nice . the amount is minor as to who you spend on the divises. i would be on the aclu side. you shouldn't do i >> you can put plant toilbooth. coming up. get ready to be lactos intolerant . intolerant . getting set to hit next week. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first ll prescription free and save on refills at >> our american family is about to go over the dairy cliff . congress must have a frm bill by the end of the year. anan old law would kick in to
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force the government to b milk at another price. how painl will it get for us in the grocery store? >> it tells us how insane. the sound of the cows tell you what will happen. this is based on marketing act. it is a consequence . we have a bureaucracy that is based on this . the federal government an act in 1942. the supreme court in wich a guy growing grain on his own farm can feed himself and his own cattle was told by the supreme court he could not do this because it is it in viation . act it is it about milk and
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1949 and the federal government isng to go and make a mark and make a fair market of this . we'll buy it at eight dollars a gallon. >> and it is johnathon. that milk your drinking is about to do you believedouble in price. >> forge the cookies. >> thas the problem and the farm bill is the problem. governme should center zero role in milk agriculture production. it is it so long last that intervention is the problem and creates the cliff because of the distortions and creates more uncertainty and destroys wealth . these farm bills are terrible and safety bl outs for producer to guarantee prices and restrict foreign compition and gop wants to ge behind something get away from subdiesilk producers
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included. julian, back in '49, we decided the governmen would buy up milk. if it went down too low. >> and it is it partisan . when the price goes so low and troop upon drops by 50 or percent. and congress does not change the law we'll go back to a 1949 formula to require the government to bay the milk at twice what it is in the market. that would result with the dare i doubling. it is it a mechanism that congress needs to update and the senate passed the law and
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legislation . now for the house leadership to bring it up. it is it simple and uncompplicated provision to do the law. th is fine and you will have many, many goverent and dairy farmers going out. >> and john, i haven't milked the cow. but that takes a long time. not to mention it is corn and wheat . affect erything we eat for dinner. this is it a tirible policy. i grew up in sweetwater, texas and nearnevermilked a cow .
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it is expoalates that to the ear 2013 . that's how you come to eight dollars. andccording to the provision they can't give it away to charity. they don't have the ability to store all of this. and this is what happens wn congress over decade puts band ai on tops of everything. same with the taxes. we are so cashtrapped to begin with. anand the consumer. and it is helping out. it compounds over and over again .
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reality is supply and demand even out over time price of milk depending on how much it costs to produce it nothing about the dairy clip but what about inflation on top of this. nood prices not just from them but all of the money printing could have a huge impact . i am not worried about food industry but grocery and restaurant industry. it is in and the federal government and agriculture department is the one who decides if these should be supported or not supported .
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the facthat the law is there and is the congress fault. free market will make thatt decision for you. >> stay out of my cheese sticks. coming up. google generation is going brain dead. brain dead. sparking athe boys use capital one venture miles for their annual football trip. that's double miles you can actually use. tragically, their ddy got sacked by blackouts. but it's our tradition! that's roughing the card holder. but with the capital one venture card you get double miles you can actually use. [ cheering ] any flight, anytime. the scoreboard doesn't lie. what's in your wallet? hut!
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i have me on my fantasy team.
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iraq. remembering general srkoph. >> and brain dead. warch warning that our children are losing creativity
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because they are pendent on the web. up inventor of the wind up radio. >> and google traded. it is a card catalog on the web. they don't think long-term blame the public schools and not geag emp- google. >> it is youth scrersus abuse. they can use it for a social media instead of what it is intended to. to get your intelligence a lot quicker. >> carroll, you are worried. you think the kids are brain dead. >> i know i am after using the internet and i probablyse it
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more than anybody else. my spell grammar has suffered and hard time multitasking. it stifles creativity. >> they stay the same thing was going to haen when we got the tv and we got steve jobs and mark zuckerburg. >> but excessive tv use is not good for the brain. wayne got it right. the internet is itmportant professionally and personally . all kinds of reasons it is it the most important since the gut knowburg printing press. it reduces us toitting down around the dinner table . we spend hours and hours on facebook. there is it a tendency to become a zombie and get in isolation idiose . >> and in the end of the day. john, do we have that kind
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much an attention span. >> this is not rocket science. we are making trig nomety out of areth metic. >> take away the cell phones and computers f. its not inrnet it is it something else. it helps them with learning. >> julian, thank you for being with us. >> coming up. >> the stuff that will pop >> the stuff that will pop after the ball drops andet [ malennouncer ] it's tt time of year again. time for citi price rewind. because your daughter really wants that pink castle thing. and you realldon't want to pay more than you have to.
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>> time for special do i need to know? >> drug companies take a long time to get from the nation place to the market place. i own it and talked about it in the past. this year will be


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